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Doctor Who: Peter Capaldi’s 12 Greatest Moments As The Doctor

Earlier this month, Doctor Who's tenth season came to a close. It's always sad for fans when the latest season ends, but this one is more traumatic than ever. That's because it was the last season to star Peter Capaldi as the Doctor, ahead of his regeneration into his currently unknown replacement in the 2017 Christmas special.

6) The Anti-War Speech

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If we had to pick the single greatest moment of Peter Capaldi’s Doctor, it would be this. The Doctor’s aversion to violence and belief that compassion should come first has always been his best trait and that really comes to the fore in this scene.

In “The Zygon Inversion,” humanity and the Zygon race are at the brink of war…until they change their minds and draw up an armistice. What swayed them? Simply the Doctor giving an impassioned speech about the horrors of war and the importance of talking problems through before lashing out.

The writing is excellent here, with a clear, very pertinent message to be absorbed by the viewer, but it really comes to life thanks to Capaldi’s simply breathtaking performance.

5) Breaking The Wall… Over Six Billion Years

A very close second best is “Heaven Sent,” one of the finest episodes of recent years which literally only features Peter Capaldi (well, and a silent marauding monster) for the whole 45 minute episode. Not many actors have the skill to keep us enraptured by just talking to themselves for three quarters of an hour, but Capaldi definitely does.

The highlight of the episode comes at its sad yet triumphant climax. The Doctor can’t escape the strange castle he’s been teleported into because an unbreakable diamond wall is blocking the exit. With all options seemingly exhausted – the Doctor still finds a way out. Simply put, it involves him punching the wall with his bare hands until it cracks… which takes four billion years!

It’s a fantastic, moving, timey-wimey scene that’s a testament to the Doctor’s unbreakable spirit.

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