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Doctor Who: Peter Capaldi’s 12 Greatest Moments As The Doctor

Earlier this month, Doctor Who's tenth season came to a close. It's always sad for fans when the latest season ends, but this one is more traumatic than ever. That's because it was the last season to star Peter Capaldi as the Doctor, ahead of his regeneration into his currently unknown replacement in the 2017 Christmas special.

2) Pleading With Missy To Be Kind

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Even better than his “Thin Ice” speech is the Doctor’s mologue in “The Doctor Falls” – his final attempt to get his old frenemy Missy to join him in the fight against evil.

With an army of Cybermen about to arrive and harvest a farmhouse full of orphans, the Doctor pleads with Missy – and her previous self, the Master – to help him out. To finally do some good.

“I do what I do because it’s right,” he cries. “Because it’s decent. And, above all, it’s kind. Just that. Just kind… It’s who I am. Where I stand is where I fall… Stand with me.”

It’s a hugely emotional scene, as the Doctor gives it his all to convince his enemy to see things as he does and to save some lives. It also acts as one last mission statement of the Doctor’s courageous and compassionate nature before he meets his end…

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