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Does Julie Alley have a Hidden Immunity Idol on ‘Survivor 45?’ A sneak peek into episode 11 spills the beans

She might be more dangerous than viewers think...

For those who have been keeping up with Survivor 45, it is no surprise that the Reba four — consisting of Julie Alley, Dee Valladares, Austin Li Coon, and Drew Basile — is running the game, picking off the Belo alliance once by one, beginning with Kellie Nalbandian and followed by both Kendra McQuarrie and Bruce Perreault.

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The trailer for episode 11 of Survivor 45 teased the rupturing of this power alliance, with Drew wanting to target Julie as soon as he can and get her out of the game for good.

“So you do size up that group — the Reba four, the core four — when you say, ‘Who can I beat?’ I think right now, Austin and I are in similar categories, but Julie is a threat with the jury because she’s the mom. She has great relationships with all of them, and Julie has an idol,” he teased in a sneak peek of episode 11 of Survivor 45 posted to YouTube, causing fans of the franchise to do a double take.

When did Julie get a Hidden Immunity Idol? And how did Julie get a Hidden Immunity Idol?

With dozens of burning questions, keep scrolling for all of the answers…

After Drew Basile dropped the bomb that Julie Alley has an idol during the sneak peek of episode 11 of Survivor 45, he gave the rundown of what happened during a confessional.

“Julie got the idol in a huge blunder by Austin,” he prefaced, before diving into the details.

the 23-year-old continued, “Austin gave her the idol to hang on to in case she got in trouble, but now she thinks it’s her idol. She’s hanging on to it really like Gollum to the ring, and that’s a scary thought.”

Because of Drew’s suspicion towards Julie, the latter began to raise some eyebrows herself…

Julie dished in the same YouTube video, “My gut right now is that all four Reba members want to go final four together, but one of them wants to distinguish themselves and make a big move. It’s Drew. He’s acting so suspicious. I’m thinking, ‘Boy! Now’s the time people are gonna start taking shots.'”

Who will get their torch snuffed first? Julie Alley or Drew Basile?

To find out for yourself, catch 90-minute episodes of the beloved competition series every Wednesday at 8pm ET/PT on CBS — Survivor 45 is starting to heat up!

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Image of Melanie Rooten
Melanie Rooten
Originally from Southern California and currently residing in Music City, Melanie graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a BA in Journalism before beginning her career as a music and entertainment journalist. Beginning to write for We Got This Covered in August of 2023, where she primarily serves as a reality TV writer, she has also contributed to Holler, Music Mayhem, Country Now, Country Chord, Celeb Secrets, Celeb Secrets Country and Decider throughout her career thus far. When she is not writing, Melanie enjoys going to concerts and music festivals, binging her favorite television shows, spending time with her friends and family and cheering on the Oklahoma Sooners (of course).