Fox’s Batman prequel series, Gotham, has gradually become more and more fantasy-based as it’s moved towards its third season, introducing various characters and storylines which draw influence from the superpower-infused DC comic books. Arguably the most out-there season 3 addition is a more mature incarnation of Poison Ivy (Maggie Geha), who will replace Clare Foley’s younger “Ivy Pepper.”
In a recent interview with THR, producer Ken Woodruff explains the decision to reintroduce the more comic-accurate take on Ivy to the show:
The character Ivy in the comics, one of her greatest powers is the power of seduction. Everyone was much more comfortable with that with an older actress as opposed to a teenager. We want to explore that classic, canonical power of Ivy. And we didn’t just make her older with that attack. When she’s changed and transformed, there’s a real character change as well. She’ll still have some of the same traits, but she’ll be much darker, more manipulative than the Ivy we’ve seen so far. There’s a more evil quality to her as well. It’s more than just physical.
Makes sense – but it also begs the question: if they were fully aware of Poison Ivy’s forte in the comics, why cast the character so young in the first place?
Whatever their reasons may be, Geha is set to debut during next Monday’s second season 3 episode of Gotham, “Burn The Witch”, the promo for which you can check out above.
Published: Sep 20, 2016 07:17 pm