Netflix has officially released its first trailer for Clark — an upcoming series centered around notorious Swedish criminal Clark Olofsson and his unlawful lifestyle. Dubbed Sweden’s first “celebrity gangster,” Olofsson received numerous sentences throughout his life for attempted murder, assault, robbery, and drug trading — and even served as an originator for the “Stockholm syndrome” term, based on his involvement in the Norrmalmstorg robbery in Stockholm, Sweden back in 1973.
From director Jonas Åkerlund — known for action-thriller Polar — the six-episode series will showcase Olofsson’s criminal past and will see the infamous bank robber portrayed by It star Bill Skarsgård. The series will also feature supporting roles from Vilhelm Blomgren, Alicia Agneson, Adam Lundgren, and Sandra Ilar. The official synopsis is as follows:
Based on the truth and lies of Clark Olofsson’s autobiography, the Swedish language series will feature Clark’s early years until present day. The notorious gangster started his criminal career in the 1960s and became one of the most controversial personalities in contemporary Swedish history. Convicted of several counts of drug trafficking, attempted murder, assault, theft and dozens of bank robberies, he has spent more than half his life behind bars and has left behind a trail of trauma, heartbreak, disappointment and general devastation. In the 1970s Clark gave rise to the idea of “The Stockholm Syndrome” during a failed bank robbery in Stockholm and has ever since kept his position as celebrity criminal fooling all of Sweden to fall in love with him. Just like he desired.
In the captivating 130-second clip, Skarsgård’s Clark travels down memory lane as he fondly remembers significant moments in his life — from the good times to the bad — and demonstrates the intensity of his behavior and outlandish modus operandi. By the looks of the trailer, Skarsgård appears to perfectly fit the complicated role as he embodies Olofsson’s unique demeanor.
Witness the insanity for yourself when Clark arrives on Netflix on May 5.
Published: Apr 21, 2022 09:31 am