Despite only being on two seasons as a main cast member, ex-Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Camille Grammer has left an indelible mark on the series. Camille was an original cast member of the series, beginning her time on the show as a former actress and the then-wife of Kelsey Grammer, an iconic television actor and arguably the biggest star to ever feature on the reality show.
Camille initially appeared as a highly reserved person with little self-identity outside of her relationship with her famous husband, which caused much friction with the other housewives. However, it soon became apparent that Kelsey’s public image differed greatly from his private life and that their marriage significantly impacted Camille’s mental health.
Although Camille displayed some initially peculiar behaviors, both viewers and co-stars soon warmed to her and wanted a better life for her. The second season of RHOBH prominently featured Camille’s divorce from Kelsey, citing verbal and physical abuse. After this season, Camille stepped away from the cameras and left the series as a core cast member, starting a new life. Since then, Camille has re-married David C. Meyer and started acting again, and is sometimes credited as Camille Grammer Meyer.
According to Variety, Camille is due to appear in the fifth season of the spin-off The Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip. The new series, set in Morrocco, will see Camille join fellow Housewives alum Vicki Gunvalson, Eva Marcille, Alex McCord, Phaedra Parks, and Gretchen Rossi. The series is expected to premiere on Peacock in 2024.
Published: Aug 8, 2023 08:25 pm