Season 11 of the animated comedy Futurama arrived on Hulu in July 2023, over a decade since its second cancellation, having had a revival series from 2009 to 2013, and an original series from 1999 to 2003.
The new series has had a host of familiar faces throughout its run so far, bringing back fan-favorite characters and running jokes from earlier episodes. This includes Kwanzaa-bot (sometimes stylized as Kwanzaabot), who is featured in the new episode “I Know What You Did Next Xmas.”
Kwanzaabot, a seasonal robot for the holiday of Kwanzaa, was voiced by the rapper Coolio in two episodes of the original series and Bender’s Big Score, one of the straight-to-DVD movies released after Futurama’s original cancellation.
Sadly, Coolio died on September 28th, 2022. His death and Kwanzaa-Bot’s reappearance in the new series has left many fans wondering whether the voice role has been re-cast.
Who voices Kwanzaa-Bot in ‘Futurama’ season 11?
Kwanzaa-Bot is still voiced by Coolio in Futurama’s revival series, and was not re-cast. The new episode is dedicated to Coolio’s memory, featuring a sweet tribute to the rapper where Kwanzaa-Bot rides his sleigh in outer space, towards a setting sun.
In a fitting ending, Coolio finishes his time on the show with a rap remix of “The 12 Days of Christmas” where he gives Santa Bot his Christmas wish list. With a bittersweet ending that works as a perfect send-off for the late musician, it seems unlikely that Kwanzaa-Bot will appear in Futurama again, and the role will not be given to another voice actor.
Published: Aug 28, 2023 05:40 pm