Hey horror fans – remember way back when Paranormal Activity director Oren Peli announced his second horror film would be another “found footage” thrill-ride called Area 51? Fanboys were ecstatic, haters laughed at another first-person horror idea, but the buzz was undeniable surrounding Peli, who single-handedly turned an entire sub-genre on its head – and demolished all competitors in his path.
But here we are, some four years after Paranormal Activity‘s release, and about six years after its production, and we still don’t have a release date for Oren Peli’s second film. In fact, we don’t have much of anything. The only thing we (supposedly) do know is that the film stars Reid Warner, Darrin Bragg, and Ben Rovner, who play some teenage boys snooping around the fabled Nevada military complex known publicly as Area 51.
Since I had the opportunity this weekend to sit down with Blumhouse Productions showrunner Jason Blum, the famous producer who teamed up with Oren Peli on Paranormal Activity, I decided that I’d try to uncover the truth behind this mysterious ghost project that was hyped up and then never heard from again.
Here’s what Jason had to say after I asked him about the current status of Area 51:
It exists! We made it! We’re futzing with the movie in post production. Paranormal Activity, remember, it was made about four years before it came out, so Oren likes to tinker, and he’s still tinkering, but hopefully one day we’ll both see the finished version!
I know, it’s not a concrete date by any means, but at the same time, we’re talking about a project that no one even knew had been shot yet! There were rumors that test screenings back in 2011 didn’t go so well, and that Chris Denham had been hired to shoot some additional footage, but no official information ever was presented that wrapped these details in a trustworthy package.
Blum’s confirmation that Area 51 has completed shooting provides a small update, and only causes more speculation – but it’s still an update none the less. I’m not saying we’ll see Peli’s much anticipated follow-up as a surprise 2013 release or anything, but judging by Blum’s four year timeframe on Paranormal Activity, that would mean Area 51 should be wrapped up in the coming months, since it’s been almost four years since Peli officially announced this alien horror project. Could 2014 finally see the release of a film that seemingly dropped off everyone’s radar?
While there’s no confirmation on whether 2014 seems like a viable release year, all signs are pointing towards “yes.” I know I’ve personally been waiting ever-so-patiently for Area 51, as Peli has been too busy producing a slew of other mainstream horror releases, but I think it’s time this tinkering madman finally sat down and let us see his sophomore directorial effort. It’s been long enough, give the people what they want!
But what do you guys think – is this actually what you want? Did some of you even know Oren was working on a second film after Paranormal Activity? Has it been too long? Sound off in the comments!
Stay tuned for the full video interview, which will be posted closer to the release of Insidious Chapter 2!
Published: Aug 19, 2013 4:36 AM UTC