Marvel Studios may have their upcoming slate of films planned out all the way to 2028, but they tend to keep most of the information regarding those projects under lock and key. Due to this, we like to keep a close eye on any potential developments, including meetings with actors and actresses who could possibly join the ranks of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
One such meeting happened yesterday and it definitely caught our attention. Eden Sher, the star of ABC’s sitcom The Middle, met with the studio and left in what she called “paralyzed excitement” via Twitter:
Went to marvel offices at noon for a "15 minute meeting." 3 hrs and 80 lbs of issues later, here I am paralyzed from excitement.
— Eden Sher (@edensher) May 21, 2014
Needless to say, a Tweet like this got Marvel fans talking and wondering what kind of 15-minute meeting leads to three hours of conversation and a boat-load of comic books. She could have just been a guest on the “This Week In Marvel” podcast, which includes discussions of new comics and Marvel-related news with celebrities, but I seriously doubt that such a guest spot would be as exciting as she made it seem.
So, what could the meeting have been about? How about a possible future Marvel role, like, say, Ms. Marvel or Jessica Jones?
We’ve been hearing rumors that Ms. Marvel would be making her way to the big screen for a while now, possibly in a cameo in next year’s Avengers: Age of Ultron. Jessica Jones, on the other hand, will be the star of her own series on Netflix, which will hit the streaming service after Daredevil.
While it’s completely unclear, and at this point only speculation as to what role (if any) Sher is being eyed for, another one of her tweets pointed toward Ms. Marvel:
@MiniB622 literally mad that walking is keeping me from starting Ms. Marvel rn. TYVM 4 the issues. Promise next time I see you I won't cry.
— Eden Sher (@edensher) May 21, 2014
This follow-up tweet was directed at Marvel editor Sana Amanat, who helped create the newest iteration of the character, Kamala Khan. Sher’s character on The Middle definitely shares some similarities with Khan, as both are awkward high school teenager, but the one hang up is that Khan is a Pakistani-American, so Sher doesn’t really fit the part, physically speaking. However, as we’ve learned with recent race-swaps in superhero casting, anything is possible.
Tell us, what role do you think Sher may have met for (if any)? Would you like to see her as Ms. Marvel or Jessica Jones? Let us know in the comments below.
Published: May 23, 2014 1:27 AM UTC