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First Reaction To The Meg Calls It This Summer’s Most Fun Guilty Pleasure

Look, if the prospect of seeing Jason Statham go to war with a prehistoric super-shark doesn’t have you sweating with anticipation, then you don’t know compelling cinema. While it won’t be the talk of awards season next year, except maybe the Razzies, The Meg has got brainless blockbuster written all over it, and we couldn’t be more ecstatic about it.

Look, if the prospect of seeing Jason Statham go to war with a prehistoric super-shark doesn’t have you sweating with anticipation, then you just don’t know compelling cinema. Simple as that. While it won’t be the talk of awards season next year, except maybe the Razzies, The Meg has got brainless blockbuster written all over it, and we couldn’t be more excited to check it out in just a few months’ time.

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I mean, let’s face it, summer isn’t the same without an excellent subaquatic fright flick, whether it be Steven Spielberg’s trendsetting 1975 release Jaws, Alexander Aja’s nauseatingly gory Piranha 3D, or Jaume Collet-Serra’s surprisingly sturdy The Shallows. For some reason, we love watching man-eating marine life do the deed, namely chomping on a chunk of human viscera, and in that regard, The Meg certainly looks like it’ll deliver the goods.

The folks over at Exhibitor Relations clearly feel the same way, as they recently screened some footage at CinemaCon (which also brought about new looks at HalloweenThe Predator and more) and had the following to say about it:

WB’s THE MEG—may be the biggest, dumbest and most fun guilty pleasure of the summer. It jumps the shark and it knows it.

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Angled as a loose adaptation of Steve Alten’s Meg: A Novel of Deep Terror, the deep-sea thriller truly does have all the makings of a guilty pleasure – think Dwayne Johnson’s Rampage, only with one giant, impossibly large shark instead of three mutated creatures. Sold yet?

Also starring Ruby Rose, Li Bingbing, Cliff Curtis and Page Kennedy, The Meg makes a beeline for the shallows (and theaters!) on August 10th, and if Statham is to be believed, the film might just have franchise potential.