With Dillon Francis‘ Money Sucks, Friends Rule less than a week away now, the hype train continues to push ahead. Yesterday, the DJ released a full stream of the much-anticipated album and today, he’s given us the visual accompaniment for one of the hottest tracks on the disc: When We Were Young.
Featuring Sultan + Ned Shepard and Chain Gang of 1974, this is actually one of my favorite songs on Money Sucks, Friends Rule, and the music video for it is a lot of fun. We see Dillon transported back to, well, when he was young, as we watch him at his three-year-old birthday party, which is just as goofy and hilarious as you’d expect.
Fans of the DJ will definitely get a kick out of the video and you can tell that Francis had a ton of fun making this one. In terms of tone and style, it’s right up his alley and it also suits the song quite well.
Check out the music video for When We Were Young above and then head on down to the comments and let us know what you think of it.
Published: Oct 22, 2014 9:06 PM UTC