Blumhouse Productions has released the first official trailer for its newest found-footage horror experience DASHCAM. The upcoming film centers around musician Annie who, after recently traveling to the United Kingdom to escape the United States’ strict COVID-19 lockdown restrictions, documents her Band Car show via an online livestream, where she eventually encounters Angela, a mysterious and deadly elderly woman who she offers a ride to.
From the producers of Paranormal Activity and directed by Rob Savage — the horror filmmaker known for 2020’s breakout film Host — the chaotic journey promises to terrify viewers with its blood-splattering incidents and haunting narrative. The entire movie is shot from Annie’s (and the audience’s) point-of-view, with the scenes being shot on Annie’s personal iPhone and her car’s dashcam.
The horror project features a newcomer lineup consisting of Annie Hardy as Annie, Angela Enahoro as Angela, Amer Chadha-Patel, Mogali Masuku, James Swanton, and Jemma Moore. The official synopsis is as follows:
At the start of the pandemic, an indulgent and self-deluded livestreaming improv musician abandons L.A. for London, steals her ex-band mate’s car, and makes the wrong decision to give a ride to an elderly woman who is not what she seems.
Savage’s follow-up aims to surpass Host’s bone-chilling terror that left audiences anticipating the characters’ next moves. As the weeks pass, 2022 is becoming a certified contender as one of the best recent years for modern cinematic horror — and DASHCAM looks to join the fray.
Experience the horror first-hand when DASHCAM arrives in theaters and VOD on June 3.
Published: Apr 27, 2022 2:07 PM UTC