The phrase “set phasers to stun” has earned its place in popular culture, and Starfleet’s iconic weaponry has been a crucial part of the setting ever since The Original Series, but just what are the specifics of these incredible weapons?
In each Star Trek series, Starfleet crews primarily use hand phasers. The Type-1 phaser is a small handheld device capable of various settings, including numerous degrees of stun, kill, and heat. In The Original Series, the Type-2 was a pistol-like receptacle in which the Type-1 could be fitted, amplifying its power. By the time of The Next Generation, the Type-1 and Type-2 were entirely separate devices, with the Type-2 having a far sleeker design.
While the “kill” settings on a phaser can turn it into a highly destructive weapon capable of vaporizing a target, standard Starfleet rules of engagement are to have phasers always set to some form of “stun,” unless explicitly ordered otherwise. The stun setting is able to render most targets unconscious with no permanent injury, making it ideal for Starfleet’s ethos of peaceful exploration.
On rare occasions, Starfleet officers may be equipped with the Type-3 phaser rifle, a much larger and longer variant of the phaser held with both hands. The Type-3 is said to be capable of even more powerful shots than the Type-2, though still has a range of stun settings.
The width of the beam of any type of phaser can also be modified, making a single phaser highly effective against large crowds. Even the Enterprise’s phasers can be set to stun – in the Original Series episode “A Piece of the Action,” Kirk orders the Enterprise to prevent a shootout between two factions of aliens by firing a wide-beam stun from orbit, knocking out entire streets of people.
Non-combat uses

In The Original Series,Type-2 phasers could also be set to “overload.” The damage caused by this could be catastrophic, as a single phaser on overload aboard a ship could generate a blast capable of destroying part of the hull and exposing an entire deck to space. In the episode “The Conscience of the King,” Kirk and Spock narrowly avoid this fate when an assassin hides a phaser on overload in Kirk’s quarters, leading to the only instance in Star Trek history of a “double red alert.”
Phasers had various non-forceful applications too – in The Original Series’ “The Enemy Within,” Sulu uses a phaser to heat a rock, turning it into a radiator and saving the lives of his team who are stranded in icy conditions. In The Next Generation’s “Silicon Avatar,” Riker uses a phaser to seal a cave entrance to protect sheltering refugees from an attack.
In all their forms, phasers are an iconic part of Star Trek, giving writers plenty of ways to have the heroes overcome hostile alien encounters without the need for lethal violence.
Published: Mar 15, 2023 03:09 pm