Brie Larson as Elizabeth Zott with her eyes wide open and looking angry in Apple TV Plus' Lessons in Chemistry
Screengrab via Apple TV Plus

Latest Marvel News: Brie Larson’s next project is already triggering the trolls as ‘The Marvels’ suddenly isn’t the MCU’s most anticipated movie anymore

*Pretends to be shocked.*

You’d think Marvel could hold it in just a couple months longer before making any huge new announcements, just to let The Marvels have its moment in the sun, but oh no, apparently not. Although, to be fair, we’re infinitely glad this news came out now as it’s given us an all-new reason to be excited for the MCU’s future. Meanwhile, Captain Marvel herself Brie Larson is continuing to live her best life, triggering her easily offended trolls with every new career high. More on that a sec, but first…

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Marvel Studios finally enters development on the project fans have been waiting to come alive for the longest time

Image via 20th Century Studios

Here we go, people! The X-Men are finally coming to the MCU. Well, OK, they already were in Deadpool 3, but I’m talking about recast versions. It’s been reported that Marvel is opening up the search to find a writer to pen the screenplay for its X-Men reboot now that the WGA strike is over. It’s just baby steps in the grand scheme of things, then, but any progression on this movie we’ve been dreaming about since Disney took over Fox in 2019 is something worth celebrating. Although if Jeff the Land Shark isn’t in the movie, Kevin Feige, I am suing.

Brie Larson’s troll-triggering powers aren’t confined to the MCU as first reviews for next role whip up waiting haters

lessons in chemistry
Image via Apple TV

Before The Marvels gets here, Brie Larson first returns to our screens in Apple TV Plus’ miniseries Lessons in Chemistry, as based on the book of the same name. With reviews pouring in ahead of its streaming premiere this Oct. 13, it’s unsurprisingly incurring a volatile chemical reaction online. With critics labeling the show “feminist comfort food,” no doubt Larson’s continually confounding coterie of passionate haters will be left incensed by her latest attempt to destroy mankind, or whatever it is they’re claiming from their mom’s basements.

10 years later, people still can’t make up their minds if Iron Man 3 is the best or worst of what Marvel has to offer

Rebecca Hall
Image via Iron Man 3

We tend to look back on the Infinity Saga with rose-tinted glasses these days, pretending like every entry in Marvel’s first three phases was universally beloved, so it’s worth remembering Iron Man 3 10 years later. Even a full decade on it seems MCU fans still can’t agree on whether it’s an underrated masterpiece from director Shane Black or a betrayal of the Iron Man mythos. You’d think the real “Mandarin” eventually showing up in Shang-Chi would smooth things over, but I guess if there’s one thing Marvel lovers can hold onto forever it’s a grudge. Also their comic book collections.

As the X-Men news and whispers of a Young Avengers project emerging prove, there’s always a new surprise around the corner in the Marvel multiverse, so stay tuned for the next shocking development.

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Christian Bone
Christian Bone is a Staff Writer/Editor at We Got This Covered and has been cluttering up the internet with his thoughts on movies and TV for over a decade, ever since graduating with a Creative Writing degree from the University of Winchester. As Marvel Beat Leader, he can usually be found writing about the MCU and yet, if you asked him, he'd probably say his favorite superhero film is 'The Incredibles.'