Starting in 2011, anime fans were able to follow three different realms, The Human Realm, The Sage Realm, and The Heavenly Realm in a series known as The Gods of High School, adapted from the manhwa webtoon of the same name, written and illustrated by Yongje Park. The show follows Mori, a 17-year-old martial arts student. He goes to a martial arts tournament called “The Gods of High School” that invites South Koreans to compete.
The winner gets the dream prize, a wish that is granted by the corporation that hosts the tournament. As the tournament progresses, fans see that there are a lot of different plans than originally shown. However, due to how well Mori is fighting, fans of the show want to know how strong he is and if he actually is a god himself.
How strong is Jin Mori?
Mori is incredibly strong. So much so, that no normal martial artist is able to fight at the same rate and pace as Mori, and it isn’t even a close call. In fact, through all the different characters that fans are shown throughout the show, there are really only three different people that can stand a chance in a fight with Mori.
Those are Park Ilpyo, Kim Ungnyeo, and his grandfather. Even though he is old, his grandfather still possesses formidable skill and is still a master in re-taekwondo. The fact that there are only three people in the entire show who stand a chance against him — one of which is a master in a specific discipline of martial arts — just goes to show how powerful of a fighter Mori really is.
Is Jin Mori a god?
Do all of these accolades make Mori a god? In a battle against Taek Jagel, Mori officially cemented himself as a god. Knowing his true strength is another thing that compares him to a deity. Mori knows his strength and knows how to use it; he doesn’t randomly hunt others and he knows his limitations, including his strengths and weaknesses. Mori has a true sense of self, which makes him more god-like than anyone.
Not only are few individuals able to contain him, but Mori went into the heavens and stood before the Gods by himself. Mori was able to master all the skills of a human, god, and demon. Through all of these, Mori is able to claim himself as a god, and rightfully so.
Published: Aug 7, 2022 09:35 am