The hit shonen manga Chainsaw Man is receiving its first novelization in the forthcoming Chainsaw Man: Buddy Stories. Published by Shueisha’s Jump J-Books, an imprint of the monolithic manga line best known for Weekly Shonen Jump, the novel is planned to release in Japan on November 4th.
More Chainsaw Man To Come
Based on the manga series by Tatsuki Fujimoto’s, Chainsaw Man: Buddy Stories will be written by Saku Hishikawa. Jump J-Books announced the novel and its release date on Twitter yesterday.
Anime News Network reports the novel will contain three short stories, each about a popular duo from the original manga. The pairings include the iconic fiend and devil duo of Power and Denji, the partnership of hunter extraordinaires Kishibe and Quanxi, and a third story that will explore Himeno and Aki’s early days together.
The publication comes after Chainsaw Man’s first arc concluded in December of 2020. While a second arc of the manga is in the works, acclaimed animation studio MAPPA has announced that they are adapting Chainsaw Man and recently released a trailer of the upcoming anime.
Fans of the shonen’s distinctive illustrations have something to look forward to in the novel as well. The managing editor for Shueisha said in a Tweet after the announcement that the yet to be revealed cover art will be drawn by the mangaka himself.
Chainsaw Man: Buddy Stories is out November 4th in Japan. There is currently no word on an English release.
Published: Sep 7, 2021 02:01 pm