Monster Musume: Everyday Life With Monster Girls is a romantic comedy manga produced by Tokuma Shoten in Japan and Seven Seas Entertainment in the United States. Sentai Filmworks produced the anime, with animation by Lerche animation studio.
Season one of Monster Musume was a huge success, but its season finale aired on Sept. 22, 2015, and after more than seven years, there doesn’t appear to be a second season anywhere on the horizon. As a result, the big question is: Will there even be a second season?
What is the anime about?
Kimihito Kurusu is an average Japanese young man who unexpectedly becomes host to a demi-human named Miia after the government announces the existence of mythical creatures. Miia is a lamia – half woman, half snake – who develops feelings for Kimihito.
Kimihito is suddenly in an impossible situation, especially after the Cultural Exchange Program’s agent pushes more beautiful creatures his way, and Miia grows extremely jealous of her new competition for Kimihito’s affection. Soon, he’s living with a lamia, a mermaid, a harpy and even a centaur, to name a few. While it is difficult for Kimihito to not be tempted, that temptation is amped up when his house becomes full of buxom creatures who all try to seduce him. Only problem is that it’s illegal for hosts to engage in any sexual relationships with the creatures.
Season two teaser
As season one came to an end, the writers amped up the tension in the story, as Kimihito was told that he has been chosen as a test subject and must marry one of the beautiful ladies. Eagle-eyed viewers noticed the words “Niki kettei,” which loosely translates to “Phase 2 decision.” Fans believed that means season two was confirmed.
There was word that season two was in the works and would be released this year, but as 2022 dwindles down with no word on a release date, that does not seem likely. Sentai Filmworks was acquired by AMC Networks on Jan. 5, 2022, which could have further delayed the release of the anime.
What will season two be about?
The manga includes 18 volumes, with 162 chapters. Season one of the anime covered approximately 25 chapters, so that leaves 137 chapters to explore. If season two happens, it will likely be a battle between the women in the house over who Kimihito will choose to marry.
Published: Oct 25, 2022 08:41 pm