Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton
Something's Gotta Give

Jack Nicholson may be 85, but his 2003 rom-com with a fellow Oscar winner will always be timeless

After intrusive tabloid photos of the star set the Internet ablaze, this jewel reminds us there’s a lot to love in the golden years.

As one of Hollywood’s most decorated entertainers, Jack Nicholson is truly a cut above. The Oscar winner and all-around legend has had one of the most storied careers ever seen on the silver screen, but lately, have seemed to slow down for aging star.

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Over the past couple years, the 85-year-old icon has spent time away from the spotlight, prompting many to question his health and wellbeing through a surprisingly reclusive lifestyle.

Today though, to the world’s surprise, Jack Nicholson has finally resurfaced — OK, “resurface” might be a strong word, he appeared on the balcony of his own home to get some fresh air, it’s not like he was anywhere he wasn’t supposed to be.

Frankly, Jack Nicholson doesn’t really look “disheveled,” he looks like an 85-year-old minding his own damn business. Getting older is a part of life, and not always looking good is a part of that process. Seriously. We need to leave the guy alone. What would you look like if someone snapped an unaware photo of you (on your private property) in the early morning? Probably not camera- ready, as they say in show business.

It’s true that this one photo has sparked online outcry from fans everywhere, but more than that, it’s generated a slew of Jack Nicholson appreciate posts that we absolutely love.

As Jack Nicholson works his way back into our collective conscious, we can’t help but think back to some of his best roles. It’s true that films like The Shining, Easy Rider, or One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest established Nicholson as the heavy-hitter we all know him to be, but what about his more recent filmography?

Movies like The Departed, Anger Management, and As Good As It Gets proved that Jack Nicholson could hang with an entirely new generation of talent — and who could forget about Something’s Gotta Give? One of the best romantic comedies of all time, this Nancy Meyers-directed romp stars Nicholson and Diane Keaton in a story you really have to see to believe.

Throw in a young, very handsome Keanu Reeves, and we’d say there are worse ways to spend a couple hours. Thankfully, Something’s Gotta Give can be streamed on Hulu right now — so what are you waiting for? Quit reading and start streaming, and send a few good vibes Jack Nicholson’s way while you’re at it. If anyone deserves it, it’s him.

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Image of Parker Whitmore
Parker Whitmore
Parker is a writer, filmmaker, and storyteller who really hates talking about himself in the third-person. Couldn't he just say something like... Hi, I'm Parker! I write articles about some of the stuff you like. Take a look — or don't, I'm not the boss of you.