After years of bad press, PR nightmares, and headline-grabbing controversies, Marvel must’ve been desperately hoping that at least the last fortnight before the release of Captain America: Brave New World (coming Feb. 14) would go by without a hitch. But there was no chance of that with this cursed movie, and its the star of the show, Anthony Mackie himself, who has riled up the internet once more with a statement so inflammatory it might as well have come from the Human Torch.
Mackie was asked a big question while talking part in a Q&A about the film, and his response earned an even bigger backlash. When asked what Captain America represents for him, the former Falcon replied, “Captain America represents a lot of different things and I don’t think the term ‘America’ should be one of those representations. It’s about a man who keeps his word, who has honor, dignity and integrity.”
Yes, the current Captain America said that his Captain America doesn’t, and shouldn’t, represent America. As you would expect, everyone reacted to this with extreme calm and an open mind.
JK, now people want to boycott his film, burn all copies of it, and probably rub the ashes on their face and dance around the fire. Mackie’s comments have been branded as “woke” and “pandering,” with many predicting that Brave New World will end up being a “disaster” for Disney because its cast and crew are out of touch with what the population of Trump’s America really want.
“Captain America does represent America my dude. It’s literally in the name,” said one commentator, who presumably thinks everyone with arachnophobia should be terrified of Tom Holland.
Others think “INSTA-CLOWN” Mackie’s take on the character is disrespectful to that of Stan Lee (who, uh, didn’t actually create Captain America).
Of course, this led to the ol’ “Bucky should’ve been the next Cap” argument making a comeback.
The search is over, everyone: I think we’ve found the most soul-deadening, stomach-churning tweet ever posted.
Why Anthony Mackie’s Captain America hot take might have a point

At first glance, it’s easy for anyone, regardless of your political persuasion or feelings on woke culture, to feel confused or even offended by Mackie’s hot take on the First Avenger — well, he’s Captain America, how can he not represent America?
When you think about it, though, his comments — even if they could’ve used some elaboration — aren’t as controversial as they appear. What Mackie was perhaps intending to say is that Cap doesn’t represent America the state, America the government, but America the people, America the spirit. In that regard, this is a clear theme running through Chris Evans’ universally beloved incarnation — in The Winter Soldier, Civil War, and Infinity War, Steve is portrayed as a fugitive on the run from the country that used to treat him as a poster boy.
And though some may think this interpretation of Cap goes against his comic book portrayal, the actual evidence suggests otherwise. In one eyebrow-raising page from 1985’s What If…? #44, Steve Rogers emerges from the ice into the U.S.A. of the 1980s and is horrified by what he finds. “Well, I say America is nothing!” he proclaims. “Without its ideals–its commitment to the freedom of all men, America is a piece of trash!” Just be glad Mackie didn’t say that.
One tweeter summed it up perfectly. “Anthony Mackie is spot-on here,” they said. “MCU Steve Rogers was never this nationalist guy who was always about America specifically… That’s what the Captain America mantle is about in the MCU. Being a selfless protector of lives and freedom in a chaotic world of corrupt leaders.”
Captain America representing more than America should hardly come as a surprise after 14 years of the character being a globally popular movie character whose appeal extends far beyond the 50 states. Like the man says, whoever is holding that vibranium shield represents “honor, dignity, and integrity” first and foremost. In other words, he doesn’t represent America. He represents the best of America. He’s not the face of America as it is, but as it should be. A brave new world, indeed.
Published: Jan 28, 2025 01:40 pm