8 Interesting Ways That Justice League Sets Up Future DCEU Movies

Much was made in the run-up to Justice League that it would echo recent comics and offer something of a rebirth for the DC Extended Universe, moving the franchise away from the dour tones of Man of Steel and Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice and morphing it into a brighter, more optimistic future.

Green Lantern Corps

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Ever since that bizarre poster from last year teased that the film would “Unite the Seven,” fans expected Justice League to secretly add a seventh member to the team: A Green Lantern, most likely Hal Jordan played by Armie Hammer. As it turns out, that was never on the cards. However, the Green Lantern Corps do play a small role in the proceedings.

In the flashback to the first time that Steppenwolf tried to claim the Earth for Darkseid (more on him in a moment), we see that the general and his forces were repelled by an alliance of Amazons, Atlanteans, men, gods… and Green Lanterns. In particular, one alien Green Lantern is killed by Steppenwolf in battle, with his Power Ring flying off into space to recruit a replacement. Even though Jordan, or even John Stewart, didn’t make an appearance, this was a welcome inclusion of this particular aspect of DC lore, which should pay off when – or if – Green Lantern Corps arrives in 2020.

We could have had even more Green Lantern goodness, though. The film’s original post-credits scene reportedly saw Green Lanterns Tomar-Re and Kilowog meeting with Bruce Wayne. Maybe they were on Earth looking for a human Green Lantern?

Darkseid Is Still Out There

At the end of Justice League, Steppenwolf might have been eaten by his own Parademons, but this is not the end of the threat from his people. The bigger danger is only briefly alluded to in the film, but it does receive a name: Darkseid.

As DC fans know, Darkseid is the ultimate opponent of the Justice League. He’s the ruler of the planet Apokolips (which strangely isn’t namechecked here) and enjoys sending his army out across the universe to terraform other worlds into copies of his own hellish home planet. Steppenwolf was trying to do this in JL, of course, but was stopped by the League.

Darkseid’s chief goal, though, is to crack the anti-life equation, which will allow him to bend every sentient being in existence to his will. This was potentially alluded to when Steppenwolf creepily taunts the Amazons by saying that they will love him eventually.

Exactly when we’ll see Darkseid is hanging in the air at the moment, as a Justice League sequel has yet to get the greenlight. It’s possible that he could appear in Flashpoint, though. Especially if Bruce’s Knightmare sequence (in which he dreamed of a post-apocalyptic Earth invaded by Parademons) was actually a vision of that reality.

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Christian Bone
Christian Bone is a Staff Writer/Editor at We Got This Covered and has been cluttering up the internet with his thoughts on movies and TV for over a decade, ever since graduating with a Creative Writing degree from the University of Winchester. As Marvel Beat Leader, he can usually be found writing about the MCU and yet, if you asked him, he'd probably say his favorite superhero film is 'The Incredibles.'