8 Superman Supporting Characters That We Need To See In His Next Movie

When Warner Bros. announced the slate for their DC Films Universe, the long rumoured Man of Steel sequel wasn't among them, though a press release promised that another solo adventure for Superman was in the works. Seeing as Batman also didn't get a firm date, it appears as if the studio is waiting to see how well Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice does before giving either of these heroes another solo adventure on the big screen.

4) Cat Grant

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Cat Grant

Cat Grant has been making her presence felt in the Supergirl TV show, but it’s worth noting that the version there is very different to her comic book counterpart – so she could very easily also make her presence felt on the big screen.

The head of the Entertainment and Arts section of the Daily Planet, Cat is extremely flirty and sexual, and just so happens to have a thing for Clark Kent. Extremely provocative, she doesn’t hesitate to flaunt her newly augmented breasts in front of the reporter and the two even dated for a short time before he realized that Lois was the one he should be with.

Throwing this sort of spanner into their relationship would be a lot different to what we’re used to seeing in these movies, while Cat’s tragic past could also come into play.

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