At issue today: The surprisingly complex chronology of the Kung Fu Panda universe.
If you haven’t been carefully following the Jack Black-led animated franchise for the last 15 years, it may shock you to learn that Kung Fu Panda has blossomed into a full-on cinematic universe. It’s hit all the points necessary to keep a cartoon franchise afloat: A kids’ show, a series of video games, the introduction of adorable baby versions of the main character — everything.
And, of course, there are sequels — two direct follow-ups to the first film, with a third on the way, and plenty of side stories to dig into along the way. Looking to experience every feature film and special without accidentally ruining the story? We’re not here to judge, just to inform, and luckily for you, it’s easy to spot where to start.
Kung Fu Panda (2008)
In 2008, animated features starring popular comedic actors seemed like a sure thing. DreamWorks might not have had the second coming of Shrek 2’s box office on their hands with Kung Fu Panda, but they did alright.
The story, featuring a Hollywood Walk of Fame cast led by height-of-fame Jack Black, sees Po, an adopted panda with a love of snacks and a deep desire to learn kung fu, rising as an unlikely hero to work alongside the Furious Five, the protectors of his home. Through the power of persistence and high body fat, he works to save the kingdom, battling the vindictive tiger Tai Lung and enjoying little snacks.
Kung Fu Panda Holiday (2010)
Sometimes, being a Kung Fu Panda means doing more than just kung fu. Sometimes it means trying to get a party catered through the use of kung fu. That’s Kung Fu Panda Holiday. Also, it’s the holidays, which happens sometimes when Jack Black is around.
Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011)
Prophecy! The dichotomy of the beauty of fireworks and the inherent danger that their components present! Big, mean dogs! All this and more awaits in Kung Fu Panda 2, the sequel that expanded on the universe of the first film while organically introducing Gary Oldman as an angry peacock.
Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016)
Like all great third parts in all great film franchises, Kung Fu Panda 3 sees the apprentices become the masters and also features tons of zombies. When a terrible threat from the other side of mortality returns to the living world, having stolen the chi of the world’s dead masters, it’s up to Po to fix things through kung fu, all while being a panda.
Kung Fu Panda 4 (2024)
The next entry in the series, Kung Fu Panda 4 sees Po on the lookout for a new Kung Fu successor, panda or otherwise. Complicating matters: The Chameleon, a fresh new threat to the Valley of Peace – presumably a chameleon, but assuming that as the extent of the danger he will pose would be a mistake. Kung Fu Panda 4 is set to hit theaters on March 8, 2024.
Published: Dec 28, 2023 2:51 PM UTC