Now that official merchandise bearing the likeness of all three web-slingers to feature in Spider-Man: No Way Home is being touted as being for sale by Marvel and Sony, it’s safe to assume the cat is well and truly out of the bag when it comes to the returns of Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield in the multiversal comic book extravaganza.
Ever since the credits rolled on Tom Holland’s third solo outing, fans have been relentlessly campaigning for The Amazing Spider-Man 3 to happen, and there’s even a popular theory making the rounds that Garfield could return as the Peter Parker of the Venom universe as a way to make it happen.
The actor was a great Spidey who was let down significantly by the studio’s desperate desire to establish interconnected mythology at any cost, one which ultimately hampered The Amazing Spider-Man 2 to an unsalvageable degree.
Months back, the rumor mill went into overdrive about the returns of Garfield and Maguire when the former’s stunt double was spotted hanging out on a movie set with Tom Holland’s stand-in, and we all know how that panned out in the end. Now, William Spencer is at it again on Instagram, after responding to a fan’s question about The Amazing Spider-Man 3 by responding in the affirmative.
It’s more than likely either gentle trolling or a complete miscommunication, but we’d be lying if we said there’s zero chance of Garfield suiting up for another standalone adventure based on No Way Home‘s third act and mid-credits scene.
Published: Dec 29, 2021 5:14 PM UTC