Former Avengers: Age of Ultron stars Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen, who acted opposite each other in the Marvel sequel as super-powered twins Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, have reunited. The actors got together at an InStyle party at the Toronto International Film Festival this past weekend, and you can take a look at their little reunion via the photos in the Tweet down below.
As the caption accompanying the Tweet reminds us, though Marvel fans will know them best as brother and sister, Taylor-Johnson and Olsen have also starred opposite each other in 2014’s Godzilla remake, in which they featured in a very different dynamic – playing husband and wife.
Since Ultron, Olsen has gone on to become an MCU regular, as Wanda Maximoff is now a long-running member of the Avengers, most recently appearing in Infinity War. Taylor-Johnson hasn’t been seen since, though, as Pietro Maximoff sacrificed himself to save Hawkeye and a small child at Ultron‘s climax. This was presumably at least partly done so Marvel wouldn’t step on the toes of Fox’s own version of Quicksilver, as played by Evan Peters, in the X-Men movies.
Frequent co-stars Elizabeth Olsen and Aaron Taylor Johnson reunited over the weekend at a star-studded party!
— (@JustJared) September 9, 2018
That said, rumor has it that Taylor-Johnson might be returning to the Marvel universe next year, as reports say that the former Kick-Ass actor was spotted on set for Avengers 4. It’s pretty much confirmed by this point that the movie will see the remaining heroes travel back in time and revisit events from their past – we know The Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy and possibly Ant-Man will be returned to, for instance – so it’s not out of the question for Wanda’s twin to make make a comeback as well. Perhaps in a scene which journeys back to Avengers: Age of Ultron.
None of this has been corroborated as of yet, though, so who knows if a return for Quicksilver is truly on the cards or if this off-screen reunion for Taylor-Johnson and Olsen is all we’re going to get for the time being. Either way, though, we’ll be sure to let you know once we learn more.
Published: Sep 10, 2018 10:24 am