It’s blasphemy. It’s sacrilege. Frankly, we can’t even think straight, and neither can the MCU fans caught up in this hypothetical battle of Captain America. Cap might be able to do this all day, but we certainly can’t.
That’s right, one Reddit user thought it would be a good idea to set pose this controversial question to the Marvel fans of the world — and the internet has found itself in an uproar.
We can almost hear you freaking out. Excluding Sam Wilson, a fight between Steve Rogers and John Walker doesn’t seem fair by any stretch of the imagination. It’s definitely a valid question (seeing as they’re both enhanced), but was there ever a world where anyone would bet on Walker to begin with?
Plenty of people praised Wyatt Russell for his unhinged performance of the stand in Captain America, but no one ever believed that John Walker would be able to take down one of the original Avengers.
Thankfully, the Marvel fandom seems to agree with us.
Steve Rogers certainly was never known as a gun guy, but that’s a good thing. His reliance on other weapons — his shield, and that beautiful brain of his — is what sets him apart from all the copycats out there.
Now this is a great thought experiment. Without the serum, Steve Rogers is pretty feeble. He certainly has a fighting spirit, but his body can’t quite keep up. In John Walker’s case, though, even before the serum, he was a beast. Testing off the charts in speed, strength, and endurance — Walker might actually be able to best Rogers in this scenario, but that’s a discussion for another day.
When you’ve fought Nazis, aliens in New York, and Thanos — a knock-off version of yourself wouldn’t seem that hard to beat. With all of Steve Rogers experience, and his unrelenting dispostion, John Walker wouldn’t stand a chance.
Now that’s not to say that Walker isn’t pretty powerful. He definitely has some moves, and his time spent fighting in Afghanistan certainly prepared him for some of the more heavy duty responsibilities a super solider tends to have, but that doesn’t mean he could outplay Captain America. The original Cap that is.
Whether it would be because of Steve’s experience, tactical prowess, or can-do attitude — Walker’s only advantage would be his… youthful enthusiasm? After all, he did beat someone to death with his (Steve’s) shield.
Honestly, there’s not much left to say. John Walker wouldn’t beat Steve Rogers, end of story.
Published: Feb 2, 2023 7:32 PM UTC