To be fair, J.J. Abrams succeeded in answering many of the burning questions that we were left with from the previous two Sequel Trilogy installments in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Still, there is one major one that many would probably consider the biggest plot hole of the three films that hasn’t been solved yet. And that’s how on earth did Maz Kanata manage to get the Skywalker lightsaber?
If you’ll recall, back in The Force Awakens we saw Rey find the weapon hidden in a chest under Maz’s castle and when Daisy Ridley’s heroine asked her how she got hold of it, Maz simply replied: “A good question for another time.” However, that “other time” never came and by the end of The Rise of Skywalker, the Sequel Trilogy’s biggest plot hole has still been left in tact, with no clarity being given as to how she got the lightsaber.
Of course, you could say that Maz found it floating through space, which we actually could’ve seen in The Force Awakens as early drafts of the script had a scene that depicted exactly that. Not Maz finding it, but the lightsaber floating through the cosmos, just waiting for someone to come across it.
But again, that scene was ultimately removed from TFA‘s script and given how much else Abrams addressed in The Rise of Skywalker, it’s certainly a bit frustrating that he neglected to clear this up. Especially since there were many moments in the film that he could’ve worked in some kind of explanation.
For now, then, we’ll just have to wait until some future film or TV show, or maybe even a comic, comes along to explain it. And in the meantime, it’ll remain as yet another disappointing element of the already divisive Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker.
Published: Dec 23, 2019 1:55 PM UTC