Following a six year hiatus, The Prodigy were revitalized in 2015 with the release of The Day Is My Enemy, a fourteen track outing that serves as the group’s latest full length effort to date. The record was a success, scoring them their sixth number one album while gaining acclaim from fans and critics alike. Despite the fact that the group has hinted in the past at their impending retirement, they’ve just revealed that new material is on the way.
Taking to Twitter, The Prodigy have announced over the weekend that they’ll release new music in 2017. Of course, 2017 is a rather vague timeline and it’s unclear at this point how far into the year we’ll have to wait before the promised material gets released, but we’ll be keeping our fingers crossed that it arrives sooner than later.
New tunes coming 2017 #theprodigy #championsoflondon #purefire #fuckknowswhatmonthsodontask
— The Prodigy (@the_prodigy) December 26, 2016
In addition to releasing new music in 2017, The Prodigy are slated to hold down a number of notable festival appearances. The band is set to headline Ultra’s 2017 edition in Miami in the spring, as well as appearing on the upcoming lineup for Secret Solstice.
Founding member Liam Howlett has previously stated that The Day Is My Enemy will serve as The Prodigy‘s final album, so the upcoming music will likely arrive as singles or in EP form. Stay tuned for more updates as they become available.
Published: Dec 26, 2016 02:11 pm