The Star Wars universe is a big place, and the stories cover a vast amount of galactic history. This means that many fun characters are separated by decades of time, meaning that many fun interactions can never take place. So, for example, we’ll never see Rey throwing down with Darth Maul as he died decades before she was ever born.
Now fans are fantasizing about who they’d love to see meet up if time, space, and death weren’t in the way:
The top vote is one of the most touching:
It’s worth pointing out that Padme and Leia did very briefly meet, though Padme died moments after Leia was born. We suspect the two would have found a lot in common with one another. Obi-Wan Kenobi touchingly remarked in his Disney Plus show that the young Leia reminded him of his former friend and we think Padme would have been very proud of the woman her daughter grew into.
Another biggie is Yoda and Leia. Despite the pair being two of the biggest characters in the franchise, they never met face-to-face and we think Yoda might have given her some useful encouragement to harness her Force sensitivity. But is there too much Anakin in Leia for them to get along?
Another great suggestion is Grand Admiral Thrawn and Andor‘s Dedra Meero. The pair both stand out as rare, competent Imperials who’re able to navigate the backstabbing Empire and see the bigger picture. One user says Thrawn would have instantly recognized Dedra’s skills and brought her on board:
Both are active around the same time, so this pairing might eventually happen.
We’re also in firm agreement that Luke Skywalker (especially in The Last Jedi era) and Count Dooku would have had a lot to discuss:
Luke is also influenced by Dooku whether he knows it or not, as Dooku trained Qui-Gon, Qui-Gon trained Obi-Wan, and Obi-Wan trained him – not to mention his take on Anakin Skywalker in his Jedi prime.
Finally, we’d have loved Anakin’s Force Ghost to appear to Ben Solo/Kylo Ren:
If Anakin had shown up to tell Ben that his Darth Vader worship was leading him on a one-way street to misery and explained his eventual turn to the light (as well as advising him to stay away from wrinkly old men in robes) a lot of pain could have been averted.
Even if these meetings can never take place, we guarantee there’s a mountain of fanfiction out there in which any and all characters have teamed up with each other.
Published: Dec 5, 2022 12:58 PM UTC