Terminator and Robot Chef meme
Image via KnowYourMeme/Warner Bros.

This gyrating robot with the hips of a male rabbit will make you think twice about asking for help in the kitchen

I think I'll just make my own food, if that's okay.

The future is now, people. The technological strides in artificial intelligence and robotics is amazing, but also kind of terrifying in its own unique way.

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One of the most terrifying thoughts is that of a robot taking your job — but as we march ever nearer to a world where robots and humans coexist, we could start seeing metal people entering the work force. We already have AI working for insurance firms — how long until they’re working in industries such as hospitality? The scenarios have become more and more realistic. Luckily we’re not there yet, but maybe you’re wondering what that could actually look like. I know I am. 

What would a robot working in a kitchen look like?

Well, we don’t have to imagine it, as a video has gone viral on X (formerly Twitter) depicting a robot kneading some dough. Although I have to admit, I’m not familiar with this particular kneading technique, it’s a little bit aggressive, he seems to be getting into it a bit too much, if you know what I mean.

I know times are tough, and the recent Terminator movies haven’t done so well lately, but I never expected to see the T-800 working for minimum wage at Papa Johns. And what is with those hip movements? I’m sorry, but there is no meal on earth that requires him to be doing all that — like chill out bro, you’re making a pizza, not a baby. Can somebody get this freaky-ass robot away from my dinner please, and while you’re at it, maybe give it a cold shower or something. 

Naturally the entire internet has come to make the same joke about how this robot’s particular skills may be put to better use elsewhere.

It’s certainly got people worried about the future!

People agree, this robot is doing way too much.

Thankfully, this footage isn’t real; if you look closely, you can see that the movements don’t quite match up. According to KnowYourMeme, the robot is rotoscoped over a human doing the same motions. Another big giveaway is the fact that nobody in the background is freaking out, because, let’s be honest, if you saw a robot doing this, you would definitely be disturbed. But anyway, it’s definitely possible that we could start seeing stuff like this in the not-so-distant future (to clarify, I mean robots making meals, not the other thing).

According to an article from Hufr, robots could eventually be used in the service industry; in fact, they already are, in limited ways, with the use of touch screens and apps to take orders, rather than old-fashioned waiters and waitresses. Bear in mind AI thinks it’s okay to use glue to keep cheese from sliding off a pizza, so I think the chefs of the world are safe for now. Also, the tech isn’t quite there yet, as robots lack the creativity that is so essential to being a good chef — then you have to consider the cost of setting up robots like this, it would be so expensive to implement, and it probably will continue to be for some time.

So there you have it, there’s a frightening little glimpse into a potential future. In many ways, this is more horrifying than any robotic dystopia Hollywood has ever conjured, and I sincerely hope you and I never live to see it become a reality.

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Jordan Collins
Jordan is a freelance writer who has been featured in a number of publications. He has a Masters in Creative Writing and loves telling that to anyone who will listen. Aside from that he often spends time getting lost in films, books and games. He particularly enjoys fantasy from The Legend of Zelda to The Lord of the Rings.