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‘Senile uncle at the dinner table’: Stephen King unpacks Donald Trump’s unintelligible rant about electricity and sharks

I guess he must have watched 'Jaws' recently.

You know that one disorderly, drunken uncle who forces the entire bloodline to listen to his incoherent ramblings at a family function? Without a doubt, most of us have indeed experienced that uncle, and Stephen King has perfectly used that analogy to describe the current state of Donald J. Trump.

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In a scenario that almost sounds completely fabricated, the Orange Thanos Variant actually took time out for a small portion of his speech during his Las Vegas rally to speak about the complications that could happen if an electric boat sank down into the water with sharks swimming around, and then proceeded to address a recent real-life shark attack situation. Now, if you’re tired from simply just reading all of that, imagine how onlookers at his rally felt — because listening to Trump babble in the sweltering heat doesn’t sound appealing to even MAGA die-hards.

Naturally, King certainly couldn’t pass up another opportunity to point out the utter tomfoolery on his X (formerly Twitter) account, where he insisted that Trump sounds like a “senile uncle at the dinner table after he has that third drink.” And, honestly, after listening to a minute-long video of the speech, it’s definitely difficult to disagree with that comparison.

Now, ranting about typical right-wing jargon and taking aim at democratic figures such as President Biden is one thing, but ranting about irrelevant topics such as electricity and sharks? Well, that almost makes it seem as though the proverbial cheese is slowly slipping off Trump’s cracker. Then again, this is the same person who confidently pressed send on a tweet depicting the nonexistent word “Covfefe”, so perhaps we shouldn’t exactly be surprised by the nonsense at this point.

The good news? Perhaps Trump spent far too long speaking about electric boats and sharks that it made a decent portion of supporters flock towards the exits in droves. That might be wishful thinking, but there needs to be a silver lining somewhere in all of this political chaos.

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Image of Taylor Mansfield
Taylor Mansfield
Fascinated by the art of journalism, Taylor Mansfield has been writing for over 10 years. In the present day, she lends her expertise as a Staff Writer / Editor for WGTC, tackling a broad range of topics such as movies, television, celebrity news, and of course… *anything* horror! Because wherever there is horror — Taylor isn't far behind. She has previously contributed to entertainment sites such as GamersDecide, MovieWeb, and The Nerd Stash.