Screengrabs via @AmyEx_ on TikTok

‘At least I have my sunglasses’: Woman hops on plane to start vacation, only to realize she’s left all her luggage behind

'Too bad. Now you have to go shopping.'

Packing is often a very stressful and time-consuming process. We do our best to make a list and plan out our outfits, accessories, and toiletries, ensuring we have everything you could ever possibly need and then some.

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Once you’ve gone through your entire list and prayed to the gods that it will fit in your suitcase, you can finally zip it up and be on your merry way, knowing that something will inevitably be left behind but at least you’ve packed the most of it.

But what do you do if you pack everything, not an item forgotten, only to get to the airport and realize you left your entire suitcase at home? That’s the dilemma Amy on TikTok encountered as she departed for a girl’s trip with nothing but her phone, her passport, a tampon, and a fabulous pair of sunglasses.


At least I have my sunglasses what else could I possibly need 🥹 #travel #girlsholiday #adhd #holiday #summer

♬ Azealia Banks . 212 instrumental – pusiquita

Per her commentary, the upside of the situation is that she has had sunglasses. And when going on a sunny holiday, really what else could you need? Commenters were equally perplexed and impressed by Amy’s mistake, some genuinely asking how on earth a person forgets their entire suitcase on an international trip.

She explained in the comments that she and her friends left at 2am to catch their flight and all the bags were lined up by the door. Hers got pushed behind and they thought they had everything when they loaded the luggage into the car. Unfortunately for Amy, they were wrong and she will now be shopping her way through her vacation.

Some people saw this as a positive — sure she forgot everything she needed, but it’s a rare opportunity to go on a little vacation shopping spree and come home with a whole new wardrobe. One person even said they’d use this as a life hack the next time they want an excuse to buy new clothes.

And that’s exactly what Amy did, she even made a video of all the new outfits she got in Barcelona.


Replying to @Lisbeth ✨ way abead of you girl… plus bikinis and borrowed outfits from the girls 🤍

♬ original sound – kardashianshulu

Honestly, she got some pretty solid last-minute outfits and now she has the perfect souvenirs to accompany this story of a lifetime. When asked how she planned on getting her new finds a home, since she forgot her suitcase, she told a viewer that she would be cramming it all into a tote bag and hoping for the best.

Don’t worry, she didn’t have to buy new everything; her friends were gracious enough to let her borrow some of their stuff as well.

This whole situation is pretty nightmarish but if you want a sense of adventure and spontaneity and maybe a reason to buy a new wardrobe, this might be your sign to give forgetting your luggage a try.

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Image of Jensen Bird
Jensen Bird
Jensen is a Freelance Writer at We Got This Covered. She specializes in TikTok and social media content. She is currently pursuing her M.S. in Journalism at Columbia University and has a degree in Foreign Language & Communications Media. Jensen spends way too much time scrolling on TikTok and is grateful for a position that lets her write about it.