TikTok is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. In recent years this video-sharing app has gone from strength to strength, getting more and more users and more and more momentum. But even this app can have hidden secrets.
Case in point, did you know that TikTok has a series of hidden emojis? And that these hidden emojis are super cute and the perfect way to spice up your comments?
Here is everything you need to know.
How to unlock the hidden emojis
Thankfully, unlocking TikTok’s hidden emojis is pretty simple, and there is no need to buy anything special to get your hands on them. These emojis operate via shortcodes. A shortcode is a phrase that TikTok transforms into an emoji when it is entered into the text box.
So, rather than using your keyboard or an emoji selector to input the emoji. You write the desired shortcode into your comment. All shortcodes follow the same format. Being a single word inside square brackets.
For example, if you wanted to put the secret smiling emoji into a comment, you would write:
“I love this video! [smile]”
And when you post it, you’ll see the [smile] section turn into an adorable pink face emoji, giving your comment some much-needed flair! Plus, as these emojis are built into TikTok, they will look the same no matter what device the reader uses to view TikTok, which means your point won’t be misunderstood by different emoji designs.
Every hidden emoji shortcode
There are 46 emoji shortcodes that TikTok understands at the current time. These shortcodes are:
- [angel] – A rectangle happy face with a halo
- [angry] – An angry red face
- [astonish] – A rectangle with a cartoonish shocked face
- [awkward] – Rectangle with a sweat drop
- [blink] – Rectangle that is blinking
- [complacent] – Blue round face with sunglasses
- [cool] – Rectangle with sunglasses
- [cry] – A round blue face that is crying
- [cute] – Rectangle with big sparkly anime-style eyes.
- [disdain] -Angry-looking rectangle
- [drool] – Pink round face with hearts for eyes
- [embarrassed] – A cyan round face with an embarrassed expression and a sweat drop
- [evil] – Purple rectangle that looks like its plotting something
- [excited] – White rectangle with an excited face
- [facewithrollingeyes] – A pink round face, rolling its eyes
- [flushed] – A yellow round face with blushing cheeks
- [funnyface] – A pink face sticking its tongue out
- [greedy] – A pink face with dollar signs in its eyes
- [happy] – A pink face with a wide-open mouth
- [hehe] – A white rectangle with a smile
- [joyful] – A white rectangle with a happy expression
- [laugh] – A white rectangle crying while laughing
- [laughwithtears] – A pink round face crying while laughing
- [loveface] – A white rectangle with heart eyes
- [lovely] -A pink round face puckered up for a kiss
- [nap] – A white rectangle sleeping
- [pride] – A cocky-looking white rectangle
- [proud] – A smug-looking white rectangle
- [rage] – A red rectangle that looks very angry
- [scream] – A round blue face that is screaming
- [shock] – A rectangle that is half white and half blue. It looks like it saw a ghost
- [shout] – A purple round face that is shouting
- [slap] – A white rectangle with a slap mark on its face
- [smile] – A pink round face with a neutral smile
- [smileface] – A white rectangle that is smiling
- [speechless] – A round blue face that looks confused
- [stun] – A grey rectangle with a stunned expression
- [sulk] – A red round face that looks angry
- [surprised] – A pink round face that looks shocked
- [tears] – A white rectangle that is crying
- [thinking] – A yellow round face that is thinking
- [weep] – A round blue face with a single tear
- [wicked] – A purple round face with devil horns
- [wow] – A white rectangle making a shocked face
- [wronged] – A yellow round face that is pushing its fingers together
- [yummy] – A pink round face licking its lips and giving a thumbs-up
Published: Nov 24, 2022 10:45 PM UTC