It’s impossible to imagine what it would be like to learn that your partner has cancer and the prognosis isn’t good. Tragically, countless families get this news all the time and go down a path that no one should have to experience. So, when you hear a story about someone who is merely pretending to be dying of an illness, it’s so baffling and heartbreaking.
TikTok user and beloved YA author @literallyjohngreen shared a chat he had with a fan @yayakampen while celebrating the 11th anniversary of his bestselling and emotionally gripping novel The Fault In Our Stars. She said the book “completely changed my life twice” because, when she watched the movie adaptation in 2014, her wife had terminal bone cancer. She said, “I’m realizing that almost identical to the story plot is my wife’s life… and I thought this is just too close.”
Green looked surprised as the fan told the rest of her story. After reading the novel, she realized that her wife not only lied about her fate, but she copied “phrases” from The Fault In Our Stars, too! She added, “Don’t worry, she’s still alive and well today.” One user commented what was likely on everyone’s minds while watching this TikTok: “That was a TWIST.” Another wondered: “I just want to know how the not actually terminal wife expected for that to play out when she didn’t die?” That’s a really good question!
It would be terrible and gross if anyone lied about having terminal cancer, but the fact that this woman used a John Green story might be even worse. And there’s also the fact that John’s brother Hank was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. The author has inspired and comforted more than a few young adults (and adults who read YA) with his thoughtful stories about growing up, love, friendship, and mental health. Hazel Grace Lancaster’s cancer journey teaches Gus Waters some harsh, but ultimately hopeful life lessons about being brave and living how he wants to.
Since Green is a household name who has written several other popular books, like Turtles All The Way Down, which got a 2024 film adaptation, it’s strange that she didn’t think her wife would figure it out. After all, The Fault In Our Stars made $48 million opening weekend. It wasn’t exactly a small movie no one had heard of, and the book was a New York Times bestseller, too.
Although it might seem rare for someone to pretend they have cancer, it’s unfortunately not. While it’s tricky to find stats on exactly how many people lie about having terminal cancer, there are some high-profile cases. According to Yahoo! Life, these include Grey’s Anatomy writer Elizabeth Finch, wellness influencer Bette Gibson, and TikTok influencer Madison Russo. Many claiming to have cancer have Munchausen syndrome or Factitious disorder.
Sure, not everyone is lying about cancer, but not everyone is super truthful with their doctor, either. A 2018 study published in JAMA Network Open found that as many as 81% of people don’t tell their doctor the truth about topics such as food, workout frequency, and medication. The moral of the story? Don’t tell fibs to your loved ones… or your doctor. And leave great stories like The Fault In Our Stars where they belong: in the realm of fiction.
Published: Jan 21, 2025 11:55 am