Bouncer TikTok
Image via @htkchris22/TikTok Photo by Yuri_Arcurs/Getty Image

‘Your patience and respect is legendary’: Man tries to argue the law with unimpressed bouncer, but he’s not budging

'Not him trying to gaslight the bouncer.'

Few things in this life are guaranteed. Death and taxes are easy go-tos, but the antics of a drunk man are nearly as predictable as these societal permanents.

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Give a man enough liquor and he will make you regret it. Whether it be due to his irritating drunken buffoonery or his inability to hold said liquor, you’ll end up dreaming of sober days within a few hours of babysitting an intoxicated man-child. Not all men descend into such adolescence at the sight of alcohol, of course, but bouncers can spot a loudmouthed lush from a mile away.

Despite their utter inability to maintain a coherent thought, a good argument is also a drunk man’s favorite past time. That puts bouncers like TikToker Big Chris in a tough spot, as they work to remain calm and rational while debating any number of issues with an inebriated would-be patron.

Like the differences between local and national law, a strange choice of topic that came up between the TikTok bouncer and a recent almost-customer. Clearly intoxicated, a man approached Big Chris’ club looking for entry, but without an ID he was sent on his way.

Or he would have been, if the man had ever learned to take “no” for an answer. Instead of taking the L and acknowledging that no ID = no entry, the man stuck around for several grueling minutes in a failed attempt to argue his way into the club.

Tossing out arguments with absolutely no substance, the man proclaims that, as an “American citizen” he’s apparently born into the right to access any club he wants. He attempts to brush the state law off as nothing but a “rule,” and even asks “who’s enforcing that law,” but is ultimately slapped down with a glorious and succinctly stated “me” from the bouncer.

The intoxicated club goer goes on to provide a lengthy argument without a lick of substance, first explaining why he lacks ID before proclaiming that he is a “full grown male adult” and thus should not require identification, regardless of silly little things like laws. Big Chris is shockingly patient as he nods and affirms his way through the pointless tale, but the conversation still ends the same way it started: With Chris pleasantly informing the would-be patron that “you’re not coming in here, so have a good night.”

May we all attain even an ounce of the patience Chris brings to work with him on a daily basis. He displays enviable levels of courtesy across uploads to his channel, which frequently feature him shutting down wannabe club goers just like the “full gown male” he denied entry. Its a tough job, but somebody’s got to do it, and Chris does it with impeccable style.

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Nahila Bonfiglio
Nahila carefully obsesses over all things geekdom and gaming, bringing her embarrassingly expansive expertise to the team at We Got This Covered. She is a Staff Writer and occasional Editor with a focus on comics, video games, and most importantly 'Lord of the Rings,' putting her Bachelors from the University of Texas at Austin to good use. Her work has been featured alongside the greats at NPR, the Daily Dot, and Nautilus Magazine.