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7 Questions We Want Answered In The Doctor Who Season 10 Finale

This past Saturday night saw the jaws of Doctor Who fans across the world unanimously hit the floor as the latest episode aired. "World Enough and Time" was always going to be a special one, as it was the lead in to the big finale of the Peter Capaldi era - with both Capaldi and current showrunner Steven Moffat leaving after this year's annual Christmas special. But with two Masters, some old Cybermen and a possible emotional exit for current companion Bill, it was even more special than expected.

6) How Did The Master Escape The Time War?

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It was an amazing moment when John Simm’s Master was revealed to be behind Bill’s horrific conversion into a Cyberman (more on that in a moment) towards the end of the episode. Of course, we already knew it was going to happen, thanks to some surprisingly spoilery promo material, but it was still an exciting reveal nonetheless.

If you’re a hardcore fan, though, there’s probably only one thing that you were thinking when he reappeared: how can the Master be back? Last time we saw him in 2010’s “The End of Time: Part Two,” he had a small moment of redemption as he saved the Doctor by attacking the Time Lords and disappearing with them back into the Time War, apparently trapped there forever. Besides that, the Master was dying at the time, flitting in and out of a skeletal appearance.

Yet here he is, seemingly perfectly healthy again. Obviously, the Master always escapes to live another day, but we’d still like an explanation to be given. In fact, it might be a bit too geared towards the fans, but it would be awesome if we had a flashback scene which depicted how he regenerated into Missy.

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