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7 Questions We Want Answered In The Doctor Who Season 10 Finale

This past Saturday night saw the jaws of Doctor Who fans across the world unanimously hit the floor as the latest episode aired. "World Enough and Time" was always going to be a special one, as it was the lead in to the big finale of the Peter Capaldi era - with both Capaldi and current showrunner Steven Moffat leaving after this year's annual Christmas special. But with two Masters, some old Cybermen and a possible emotional exit for current companion Bill, it was even more special than expected.

2) What’s The Deal With The Doctor’s Regeneration?

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The penultimate episode left us with a lot of questions that we want answered in the finale, but the biggest ones we have concern the shocking pre-titles sequence of “World Enough and Time” – which apparently showed the beginnings of the Doctor’s regeneration.

In a snowy landscape, the Doctor falls out of the TARDIS and collapses as his skin starts to glow. “Noo!” he repeatedly shouts, as one might if they were about to effectively die. Sounds just like a regeneration, right? The only thing is this season has tried to pull a fake regeneration on us before – in episode eight – so we should be careful not to immediately trust what we see.

If we do take it at face value, though, when, where and how does this happen? Immediately, it’s clear that the scene takes place long after the events of this episode, as Peter Capaldi’s hair is much longer. So, what’s happened to cause his death and does it have any relevance to what’s going on in these episodes? Or is this flashforward to the Christmas special just to play with the audience?

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