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7 Questions We Want Answered In The Doctor Who Season 10 Finale

This past Saturday night saw the jaws of Doctor Who fans across the world unanimously hit the floor as the latest episode aired. "World Enough and Time" was always going to be a special one, as it was the lead in to the big finale of the Peter Capaldi era - with both Capaldi and current showrunner Steven Moffat leaving after this year's annual Christmas special. But with two Masters, some old Cybermen and a possible emotional exit for current companion Bill, it was even more special than expected.

1) Will We See The Next Doctor In The Finale?

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We might be way off base with this one, but hear us out. That opening regeneration flashforward leads us to believe that we might be about to see the next Doctor revealed in this week’s finale!

For one, it’s been announced that the regeneration scene was filmed incredibly close to the broadcast date, as it was part of shooting for the Christmas special (which is currently ongoing), This is why Capaldi’s hair is so much longer. It’s also been mentioned that the finale is still being worked on – suggesting that another late-in-the-day scene is being added to the episode.

So what if, without telling the world, the new Doctor has already been cast and they’re about to sneak him into the finale? It’s a bold claim, as you’d think that there would be no way to keep the casting of a new Doctor a secret. Then again, there is evidence to suggest that the next Time Lord has already entered the building. Former showrunner Russell T. Davies hinted at it in a recent interview and Steven Moffat has also been teasing that this regeneration would be “slightly different” from previous ones and that he’s worked with oncoming showrunner Chris Chibnall to execute it properly.

Revealing the new Doctor Who in this way would be such a mind-blowing twist that if we’re right and the BBC manage to pull it off, they deserve a round of applause.

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