The 8 Best Episodes Of The Flash So Far

On Tuesday October 4th, The Flash returns to our screens for its hotly-anticipated third season. Of all the DC TV shows airing on The CW this fall, it is arguably The Flash that fans are most looking forward to. After all, season 2 ended things on one hell of a cliffhanger – as Barry went back in time and completely altered history by saving his mother’s life.

5) The Flash vs. Arrow (Season 1, Episode 8)

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Flash Vs Arrow

This is the one fans were most looking forward to when The Flash was first announced – a crossover episode where, in fine superhero tradition, the two heroes would lay into each other before teaming up proper. Thankfully, the suitably-titled “The Flash vs. Arrow” lived up to the expectation by crafting a funny and dramatic character-driven story around the central fight.


Thanks to Rainbow Raider, Barry’s temper goes through the roof and Arrow is the only one who can take him down. It’s fascinating to see Barry let off his leash and some interesting themes are raised about the differences and core similarities between the pair’s approaches to being a hero. Plus, there’s lots of humour in the ‘odd couple’ nature of Barry and Oliver’s partnership and Diggle’s priceless reaction to Barry’s speed.

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Image of Christian Bone
Christian Bone
Christian Bone is a Staff Writer/Editor at We Got This Covered and has been cluttering up the internet with his thoughts on movies and TV for over a decade, ever since graduating with a Creative Writing degree from the University of Winchester. As Marvel Beat Leader, he can usually be found writing about the MCU and yet, if you asked him, he'd probably say his favorite superhero film is 'The Incredibles.'