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10 Easter Eggs And References You Probably Missed In Luke Cage

It’s not all that we want from our superhero movies and TV series – great characters, action and storytelling wouldn’t go amiss – but comic book fans do love to pick out brief lines or visuals that harken back to the source material. It’s a fun game played between the makers and the viewers that can sometimes go on long after release (e.g. Batman V Superman).

1) Power Man

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As you may know, Luke Cage operates under the name Power Man in the comics. For the show, however, they decided he was too grounded a character to have a superhero moniker. That said, they couldn’t resist a couple of allusions to the title.

Pops, Cage’s kindly father figure, begins the series by telling Luke he should use his abilities for good. He then gives him some superhero nicknames, his favourite being ‘Power Man.’ It’s not something that Cage himself picks up, but it is a welcome reference all the same.

Likewise, they couldn’t do a Luke Cage show and never have him say his comics catchphrase, “Sweet Christmas!” Though it is used fairly sparingly, Luke still utters the phrase a handful of times across the series, raising a smile on comic book fans’ faces each and every time.

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