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10 Easter Eggs And References You Probably Missed In Luke Cage

It’s not all that we want from our superhero movies and TV series – great characters, action and storytelling wouldn’t go amiss – but comic book fans do love to pick out brief lines or visuals that harken back to the source material. It’s a fun game played between the makers and the viewers that can sometimes go on long after release (e.g. Batman V Superman).

7) The Incident

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The aforementioned weapon is also explained to be derived from a special metal recovered from the Chitauri invasion of New York, otherwise known (at least in the Netflix shows) as the Incident.

The corrupt New York of Marvel’s Netflix shows is still reeling from the events of The Avengers, and so multiple references to it pop up in Luke Cage. A recurring one is a DVD bootlegger who flogs footage of the Incident from a Harlem street corner. Interestingly enough, however, there is no reference to the events of Age of Ultron or Civil War in the show, so it’s entirely possible that all of the Netflix series so far take place after The Avengers but before Phase Two.


6) Harlem’s Own Captain America

Another tradition of the Netflix shows is to namedrop an Avenger or two, just to remind us that they take place in the same universe as the movies. For instance, it seems to be a running joke that characters will mention Thor’s “magic hammer.”

Characters in both Daredevil and Luke Cage have said that they should be thankful their opponents don’t own such a powerful weapon, while Mjolnir is also mentioned by Claire Temple’s mother as an example of how crazy the world has become.

In Luke Cage, Cottonmouth mocks Cage’s heroism by calling him “Harlem’s own Captain America.” This is particularly amusing to hear as in the comics, Cage has replaced Cap as the leader of the Avengers on occasion, so this might be a nod to that.

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