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10 Easter Eggs And References You Probably Missed In Luke Cage

It’s not all that we want from our superhero movies and TV series – great characters, action and storytelling wouldn’t go amiss – but comic book fans do love to pick out brief lines or visuals that harken back to the source material. It’s a fun game played between the makers and the viewers that can sometimes go on long after release (e.g. Batman V Superman).

10) Stan Lee’s Obligatory Cameo

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Stan Lee hasn’t actually appeared in the flesh in any of the Netflix shows, but as Marvel properties, it’s the law that he has to turn up in some form. Daredevil solved this problem by featuring a photo of Stan in police uniform in Hell Kitchen’s police department, something also seen in Jessica Jones. Luke Cage, likewise, continues the running joke/easter egg, but gives it a fresh twist as well.


As seen in the show’s final trailer, Lee’s cop photo can be seen adorning a Harlem store window. It’s on a poster that reads: “See a Crime? Report it!” It seems that this version of Lee is not only a well-respected member of the force amongst his fellow officers, but he’s something of a local celebrity, too.

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