Though not quite as impenetrable as the big screen side of the MCU, which is 16 movies long and counting, Marvel‘s Netflix output is still pretty dense. So far, it comprises two seasons of Daredevil and one a piece for Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist. Not to mention the newly-released Defenders miniseries. In total, that’s a whopping 60 hours of television.
It’s interesting, then, to look at how different fans find their way into the Marvel/Netflix franchise. You could do it chronologically and start with Daredevil. Or you could begin with The Defenders and then work your way back. Intriguingly, though, most people go for an alternate viewing order.
In a report by USA Today, Todd Yellin, Netfix’s vice president of production innovation, revealed some fascinating facts about how most shows are viewed. It turns out that the majority of people begin with Jessica Jones, the second series to be produced, and then continue with Daredevil, Luke Cage and Iron Fist.
It’s also interesting to note that one in eight viewers are new to the superhero genre. This follows on from a different report that stated men prefer Daredevil, women Jessica Jones, a mixed group like Luke Cage and younger viewers watch Iron Fist.Â
“When it comes to an individual story, they’ll watch it in order,” said Yellin. “But when it comes to these related kind of series, they’re very different kinds of stories. They watch them in order of how they’re interested in them and how they learn about them.”
This isn’t the only thing we’ve learned about viewers’ habits when it comes to the Marvel/Netflix shows, either. Another report recently analyzed fans’ reactions and concluded that Iron Fist’s storyline was seen by most to be the weakest part of The Defenders, with many social media users claiming he “ruined” it for them.
Still, as the USA Today article proves, everyone has different tastes, so some fans out there are bound to find Danny Rand the best part about the team-up show. To each his own, right?
Published: Aug 28, 2017 11:59 am