Image via Disney Plus

‘Werewolf by Night’ director shares a throwback to the Halloween special’s cavernous practical set

Greenscreens can't compete.

It’s been nearly six months since Marvel Studios first shared its most prominent departure from its usual creative space in Werewolf by Night, the black-and-white Halloween special that introduced Elsa Bloodstone, Man-Thing, and the titular beast into the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the goriest, most out of left-field manner we may ever see from the franchise.

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Werewolf by Night also featured a rare directorial turn from Michael Giacchino; considering he’s known more for his masterful scores (such as those found in the MCU’s Spider-Man trilogy and a number of Pixar films), it was thrilling to not only see him behind the camera, but to learn that he’s just as deft in that position as he is with his measures.

So, of course, it’s no surprise that Giacchino looks back on the television special fondly, as indicated by his taking to Twitter to reminisce about his days on set.

And what a set it was. In a tweeted video taken exactly a year ago, Giacchino offered us a behind-the-scenes look at the set used for Bloodstone Manor’s main foyer, and it’s nothing short of breathtaking; the sheer gothic energy of the space is perhaps best punctuated by the many fascinating, if disturbing, monster heads that surround the walls.

Indeed, it looks like Giacchino was working with an absolute treasure trove in the visuals department; from the set to the costume design to the makeup, Werewolf by Night was on another level. And while it remains to be seen how Elsa and co. might tie in to the rest of the MCU (despite being more than capable of standing on their own), we hope it involves another one of Giacchino’s directorial efforts.

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Image of Charlotte Simmons
Charlotte Simmons
Charlotte is a freelance writer for We Got This Covered, a graduate of St. Thomas University's English program, a fountain of film opinions, and probably the single biggest fan of Peter Jackson's 'King Kong.' She has written professionally since 2018, and will tackle an idiosyncratic TikTok story with just as much gumption as she does a film review.