With the first week of Big Brother 25 concluding on Thursday night, it was time to crown a new Head of Household after the live eviction played out.
Kirsten Elwin left the house with the unceremonious title of “first boot,” which ended Reilly Smedley’s Head of Household reign. Although Kirsten’s exit was brought on by a 13-0 unanimous vote, the house remains divided between the older contestants— “The Professors” alliance — and the youngins in “Family Style.”
CBS’s fourth episode wrapped without a competition, however. Historically, Thursday night’s live episode will end with a contestant nabbing power. But, seemingly setting up the spectacle of the housemates disappearing somewhere in the “Big Brother Multiverse,” the comp didn’t air during the episode.
Still, thanks to the live feeds, we know who came out on top.
Heads up: this article contains spoilers past August 11’s episode of Big Brother 25.
Hisam is this summer’s second Head of Household
Although what went down remains unclear at the time of this article’s publication, it’s been confirmed by the houseguests via the live feeds that Hisam Goueli is week 2’s Head of Household.
Besides moving into the coveted room and enjoying a private bathroom, he now wields the power to nominate two contestants for eviction. Further, if the Power of Veto is played later on in the week, he’ll be tasked with naming a replacement nominee. Assuming there isn’t a twist that’d change the number of those sitting on the block, Hisam will be asked to instantly evict one of the nominees should the vote come down to a 6-6 tie.
Hisam’s competition prowess is known at this point. All in all, he’s played in four different comps and has placed either first or second each time. He came second to Matt Klotz in their initial battle for safety on premiere night. Hisam was also the runner-up to Reilly in the first Head of Household game.
He then managed to earn the first Power of Veto this season, but elected to keep Kirsten and Felicia Cannon on the chopping block.
According to the live feeds, Jared Fields came in second during Thursday night’s “Scaryverse” competition. Part of the Big Brother Multiverse is the “Nether Region,” which houseguests will be sent into throughout the season, alone and without a specified time limit. Because he was the runner-up, Jared was ejected into the Nether Region — Cory Wurtenberger was the first.
Considering Hisam helped spearhead The Professor’s alliance, don’t be surprised to see two Family Style members sitting on the block come Sunday’s episode.
Published: Aug 11, 2023 9:51 PM UTC