Happy Superman Day! Why is June 12th National Superman Day?

What is Superman Day? Is it about a bird? Or a plane?

To all the Man of Steel maniacs out there, happy Superman Day! Yes, Superman Day. Everything’s gotta have a Day at this point, from Star Wars to Stranger Things, and the daddy of DC is no different. In Clark Kent’s case, Superman Day is celebrated every June 12. But, other than being a suitably summery date for a superhero who derives his powers from the sun’s energy, why is this date the chosen designation for Superman Day?

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Is it the anniversary of the release of 1978’s beloved Superman: The Movie? Nope, as Christopher Reeve’s first outing in the cape and tights was actually released as something of a Christmas film, opening on December 15 in the U.S. So is it perhaps commemorating his first appearance in the comics? Surprisingly, no, as the legendary Action Comics #1 published on April 18, 1938. So what’s the deal here?

Superman Day’s meaning, explained

DC Comics Trinity (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman)
Image via DC Comics

The truth (justice, and the American Way) about Superman Day is actually more complicated than it simply being an important date in the character’s history. The inaugural official Superman Day was first held in 2014, although it was initially dubbed “Man of Steel Day” and was orchestrated by Warner Bros. to tie into the release of Man of Steel, which opened in theaters on June 14. June 12 was presumably chosen in order to raise the hype for the Henry Cavill vehicle shortly before it hit the big screen.

While the date itself is negligible, June is an important month to Superman as Action Comics #1 is cover-dated June 1938, so June 12 is as good a day to celebrate all things Kryptonian as any. After Man of Steel Day 2014, fans co-opted the date themselves and carried on the tradition. Once MoS was in our rearview mirror, however, its name was simplified to Superman Day and now every June 12 is used as an excuse to share the love for Supes and his corner of the DC universe.

This year, in particular, we have much to celebrate on the Kal-El front as James Gunn’s DCU reboot Superman: Legacy is currently in the midst of casting its leading man, ahead of its scheduled release in cinemas in July 2025. Plus, there’s the ongoing third season of Superman & Lois on The CW and Adult Swim’s new animated series My Adventures With Superman premieres on July 6.

Superman is officially 85 years old in 2023, but Superman Day proves his legacy and impact on popular culture isn’t going to fade anytime soon.

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Christian Bone
Christian Bone is a Staff Writer/Editor at We Got This Covered and has been cluttering up the internet with his thoughts on movies and TV for over a decade, ever since graduating with a Creative Writing degree from the University of Winchester. As Marvel Beat Leader, he can usually be found writing about the MCU and yet, if you asked him, he'd probably say his favorite superhero film is 'The Incredibles.'