This review contains minor spoilers.
If you’re a fan of what Peter J. Tomasi has been doing on Superman, you should be reading his other penned title, Super Sons. Following the adventures of Damian Wayne (Robin) and Jon Kent (Superboy), it’s pure, exhilarating fun as these two polar opposites learn to get along, much like their pops had to. Now, in Super Sons #6, the promise of Superboy joining the Teen Titans is teased.
In this issue, Damian takes Jon out for superhero training on a Friday night. Naturally, Damian wants to be a jerk and intimidate the likes of jaywalkers, while Jon focuses on saving cats and changing car tires. The Teen Titans pop by and Damian departs with them on a new mission, leaving Jon behind and making sure that he knows he’s no Titan.
A disappointed Jon heads off home, where he sits in front of the television and eats crisps all by himself. In the meantime, the Titans do battle against Time Commander and his cartoonish goons. However, it appears like Jon might become a Titan after all, as Damian appears outside of his window, looking very different and not so teenage.
Tomasi continues to highlight the differences between Jon and Damian incredibly well. Jon embraces being a child and sees the world through untainted eyes, while Damian carries the weight of the world on his shoulders – and lacks social skills, to say it politely. There are lesson for both to learn, though, as Tomasi utilizes Damian to show Jon the importance of responsibility, while Jon is an example to Damian about how he should still allow himself to be a child. You can see the growth and progression of both characters in this series.
There’s definitely a Marv Wolfman vibe to this issue, as it feels like a New Teen Titans story with the whole outsider angle (hi, Terra!). That’s not necessarily a bad thing, either, since I foresee this title merging with Benjamin Percy’s Teen Titans in the future. By focusing on Damian and Jon’s relationship here rather than allow Teen Titans to become all about them, it enables this dynamic to be resolved before the “final” team is formed. Although, I do predict that the leadership of the group will be challenged at some point when Jon becomes a full-fledged member.
Having been on art duties since the series’ inception, Jorge Jimenez is quickly making himself at home here. His style is now synonymous with Super Sons, and it would be difficult to imagine anyone else in his place. My only gripe about the artwork is how dark the issue looks. Sure, it takes place at nighttime, but Alejandro Sanchez’s colors drift towards the darkness when it should be brighter for the nature of the characters.
As expected, Super Sons #6 is a whole lotta fun for both young and old readers. There’s so much joy, unpretentious humor, and it’s completely unafraid to take itself too seriously. It’s reminiscent of a simpler time when comic books were all about heart, and this book has it in abundance.
Published: Jul 19, 2017 2:40 PM UTC