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Latest Fantasy News: Confusion erupts over the Biblical Joseph’s similarities to Andre the Giant as fantasy fans watch a franchise perish before their eyes

No, Joseph from the bible isn’t the spitting image of Andre the Giant, but wouldn’t it be great if he was? 

Andre the Giant
The Princess Bride

Decades of terrible fantasy releases prove that not all fantasy is equal. There are a million factors that go into determining whether a release is considered good, and these days even an unpopular public figure can ruin a franchise’s chances. This isn’t the exclusive culprit behind the sharp decline of the Fantastic Beasts franchise, but it’s certainly a factor. J.K. Rowling’s vast unpopularity in the eyes of her former fans hurts pretty much every property she’s attached to, but it hopefully won’t get in the way of Tom Felton’s book sales.

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Then there are the timeless classics, the releases that couldn’t do wrong even if they tried. The Princess Bride is one such favorite, and recently got a fresh shout-out via a persisting meme trend. No, Joseph from the bible isn’t the spitting image of Andre the Giant, but wouldn’t it be great if he was? 

The Princess Bride fans get a surprise via a recreation of Joseph

Andre the Giant in The Princess bride (1987)
Image via FLIM

A viral recreation of the Biblical Joseph, supposedly from Stanford University, sent shockwaves through social media, after people noticed it’s startling similarities to a certain gentle giant. The satirical photo is the spitting image of Andre the Giant and, while entirely fake, brought the beloved late actor to the forefront of conversations. It also made quite a few people hanker for a good Princess Bride rewatch. 

Harry Potter’s Tom Felton releases a book about his time in the franchise

Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows Part 2 (2011) (L-r) JOSH HERDMAN as Gregory Goyle and TOM FELTON as Draco Malfoy Credit: Jaap Buitendijk/Warner Bros

Tom Felton, the actor who brought Draco Malfoy to life across the Harry Potter films, penned an in-depth book about his time in the Wizarding World. The book delves into his time on-set, getting to know his fellow actors, balancing his adolescence alongside a thriving career in Hollywood, and overcoming addiction. It even has a foreword from Emma Watson, and is currently available to purchase. 

fantastic beasts

J.K. Rowling’s polarizing views on trans rights have made her a pariah in her own fandom, and its damaging pretty much any project she’s attached to. It’s likely to hurt Hogwarts Legacy when the game releases in 2023, and it’s already doing massive damage to the Fantastic Beasts franchise. To be fair, the film series has seen a major downturn in quality in recent years, but Rowling’s status as a controversial figure certainly isn’t helping matters.