Ezra Miller and Grant Gustin as the Flash
Image via Warner Bros. Television/The CW

Ezra Miller’s woes continue as latest crossover confirms Grant Gustin is the superior Flash in DC canon

Looks like the race is already over.

Warning: This episode contains spoilers for Titans season 4, episode 9.

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After a full decade of being stuck in development hell, The Flash film is finally hitting theaters this summer. Ironically, it’s coming hot on the heels of the conclusion of The CW’s long-running The Flash TV series which has managed to air nine seasons in the time its taken Warner Bros. to get Ezra Miller‘s movie off the ground. In that time, Grant Gustin’s Scarlet Speedster has evolved as a hero far more than Miller’s version, and fans think his latest multiversal crossover confirms he’s the more OP of the two.

In the mind-blowing ninth episode of HBO Max’s Titans season four, Beast Boy (Ryan Potter) enters The Red, the metaphysical field that binds all living things, which allows him to travel the multiverse. Witnessing a convergence of the worlds, Gar is passed by a red speedster trailing yellow lightning who appears to accidentally knock him into an entirely different universe (Stargirl‘s Earth-2) while running.

As Twitter user @lesbobomb went viral for pointing out, this means Gustin’s Barry Allen “is so overpowered he singlehandedly, effortlessly, and accidentally yeeted beast boy to another universe.”

This is far from the first time Miller’s Barry has had to eat Gustin’s dust. The two came face to face in The CW’s Crisis on Infinite Earths miniseries — which, we might add, saw Gustin’s Barry, not Miller’s, be the one to aid in saving the entire multiverse — a meeting that canonically inspired the DCEU’s Crimson Comet to adopt the superhero name of the Flash after hearing it used by Gustin.

In the wake of The Flash movie undergoing last-minute reshoots to add in more cameos, the odds are looking decent that the two Flashes will enjoy a reunion in the upcoming blockbuster, due out on June 16. Although, whatever happens in that, we already know who’d win in a race.

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Christian Bone
Christian Bone is a Staff Writer/Editor at We Got This Covered and has been cluttering up the internet with his thoughts on movies and TV for over a decade, ever since graduating with a Creative Writing degree from the University of Winchester. As Marvel Beat Leader, he can usually be found writing about the MCU and yet, if you asked him, he'd probably say his favorite superhero film is 'The Incredibles.'