Out of the roughly 900 Pokémon that exist in the entire franchise, only one has to be the best. And PokéFans on Reddit are deciding once and for all which one of them is the absolute GOAT.
Reddit user u/Joel7989 asked on r/Pokémon which one of these creatures is the very best Pokémon of all time. For them, it was between Infernape and Noivern because due to sentimental attachment towards them.
PokéFans debated all having a valid reason as to why their Pokémon of choice is the best. One pointed out Starmie is their choice for the greatest Pokémon of all time as it’s able to learn more than just water moves, despite essentially being a starfish.

Others pointed out Arcanine as another possible contender for the greatest Pokémon of all time. Not because he’s a fluffy boi, but also because of its attack stats, allowing him to do more damage.

Some decided to make use of the term ‘GOAT’ and included Gogoat from Pokémon X & Y, with a few wishing it would make a return in the later games. Some PokéFans who have used Gogoat in the past have praised it for its move pool and stats, but it being a grass-type Pokémon is the only thing pulling it back from its true potential.

Some PokéFans looked towards the meta as they chose Tyranitar. This Pokémon is always selected when doing competitive Pokémon, with only a few that can stand against this ferocious beast. It’s not even a dragon-type and yet it’s well-loved by competitive trainers.

And lastly, fans didn’t have to look too much when searching for the greatest Pokémon as it was in the PokéDex this whole time – Bulbasaur, the first Pokémon in the PokéDex.

Finding a Pokémon to be worthy as the greatest of all time might be a challenge as there are many reasons why each and every one of them is amazing. And with Pokémon Scarlet and Violet coming out later this year, there will be newly added Pokémon that could be possible contenders for the GOAT title.
Published: Jul 4, 2022 2:27 AM UTC