8) The Witness
The Witness is a game by Jonathan Blow. He previously made a game called Braid. And you know what? I didn’t really like it. Now, I realise that for a gaming journo to say such things aloud is bordering on professional suicide, but playing a game where I’m some weird middle-aged man dressed in a Victorian school uniform and trying to kidnap a visibly distressed woman didn’t really connect with me. In a strange way, I suppose that’s a good thing.
Still, what little we know about this follow up does seems tantalising. According to Blow, it’s essentially “an exploration-puzzle game on an uninhabited island,” and who didn’t love Myst? He also stated that he skipped on current-gen consoles because he didn’t think they’d be able to meet the game’s needs, but with nothing to render but a deserted peninsular, you can be sure that all that remaining processing power is going on some insanely complex puzzles. Also, Braid‘s tagline, “What if you could learn from your mistakes, but undo the consequences?” may be some indication as to why Blow switched developing for Microsoft to Sony, and goes on the list as yet another reason to throw your hat in with PlayStation.
Published: Jan 29, 2014 02:52 pm